DONAU SOJA is an independent, international, not for profit, multi-stakeholder, value chain, membership organisation founded in 2012, promoting a non-GM, sustainable and European protein supply. It is based in Vienna, with regional offices in Serbia, Ukraine and Moldova. Together with more than 270 members in 25 countries, 866 certified partners and with the support of 19 European governments, DONAU SOJA shares a common Vision. By promoting non-GM soya production and local supply chains in European countries, DONAU SOJA facilitates protein transition process in Europe.
Prominent European institutes and organisations support this ambitious initiative. DONAU SOJA’s members include food retailers, large agricultural traders, animal feed industry, oil mills and numerous processors, as well as environmental organisations such as Greenpeace and WWF.
Our activities make a valuable contribution to ensuring food security and developing sustainable supply chains throughout the continent. European quality and origin are assured.
Over the past 8 years we’ve managed to create and successfully launch our own quality standards “Donau Soja”, “Europe Soya” and “Non-GM Danube Region” on the market. We were able to grow from 20 members of the Association in Austria and Germany to a pan-European organisation whose members represent 25 countries of the European continent (including the EU).
The DONAU SOJA activities are supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
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